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How it Began

This memorial is dedicated to Maine's fallen heroes, the police officers who have died in the line of duty. Their names are engraved in granite on the Maine Law Enforcement Officer's Memorial in Augusta. The memorial was dedicated on May 25, 1991, following a fund-raising effort by the Maine Chiefs of Police Association. Uniform Crime Reporting assisted that effort by providing historical research on each officer. The Maine Uniform Crime Reporting Program joins the criminal justice community in the state of Maine in extending sincere sympathy to the families of these law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty in Maine's history.

The names of those who gave their lives the prior year are added to the wall during the annual memorial service. The wall and monument are located next to the State House in Augusta, Maine.

Lt. Eugene Cole

End of Watch: April 25, 2018

Cause of Death: Gunfire

Officer Nathan Desjardins


End of Watch: June 6, 2017

Cause of Death: Boating Accident

One Team. One Mission.

Fallen Heroes

The Maine sheriffs mourn the loss of those recently killed in the line of duty.

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