Waldo County
Sheriff Jason Trundy

community partners including non-profit organizations, the faith-based community and treatment providers that focus on creating a grassroots response to address the social issues facing our community such as mental illness, substance use disorder and homelessness.
Sheriff Jason Trundy has been a lifelong resident of Waldo County. Sheriff Trundy has been married to his high school sweetheart for thirty-five years, raised three children, and has five grandchildren.He began his law enforcement career with the Waldo County Sheriff’s Office in 1994 as a correctional officer. During his twenty-nine years at the sheriff’s office, he has held numerous positions including correctional officer, patrol deputy, criminal investigator, jail administrator, patrol lieutenant, chief deputy and was elected sheriff in 2023. Jason is a graduate of the 273rd FBI National Academy, has served his community as a selectman, as a board member of non-profit organizations, and is a member of the Belfast Rotary Club. Sheriff Trundy is committed to creating a safe and healthy community by providing community-based law enforcement services to those who call Waldo County their home. This commitment has led to several collaborations between the Sheriff’s Office and